CUBA VS. UNITED STATES OR DAVID VS GOLIAT written by Alberto Jose Gernonimo Mousset Echemendia del Pozo Zayas and Saldivar
Alberto Jose Geronimo Mousset Echemendia del Pozo Zayas and Saldivar
Many people around the world have to ask themselves, and with good reason, why a nation of 250 million inhabitants and since the end of the Second World War in 1945 has enjoyed the greatest military and economic power in the world, can not live in peace with a small neighbor country of only 10 million inhabitants that has no military or economic power and that also was always his faithful ally and collaborator ?.
Although it is a matter of simplifying the answer saying that it is because the small nation has a one-party government and does not accept the hegemony that the powerful nation of the North wants to impose on it, this can not be true because then, as normal relations are explained, or less without economic blockages, which the United States maintains with China, Vietnam and North Korea? Naturally, there has to be something more behind that intransigent and aggressive stance against Cuba and that is what we are going to analyze in the most summarized way possible, but without forgetting to mention the most significant events.
The first thing to review is the history of relations between the two countries since its inception. For that we have to go back to the last century when the US was consolidated as a new world empire after the conquest of northern Mexico and the definitive unification of the country. From that time they contemplated the ambition to become the masters and masters of the major islands of the Antilles as indeed they did after the Spanish-American War brought about by them for that purpose. Cuba was naturally its first objective because it is the largest and closest island to its coasts. The problem that from the beginning they had for the achievement of its objective was the revolutionary movement that existed in Cuba since the beginning of the XIX century that proclaimed the independence of Spain and the establishment of a sovereign state. Despite the fact that the US Congress passed a resolution through which it committed itself to the Cuban revolutionaries to respect the island's autonomy, once the War with Spain ended, they intervened militarily for three years after the war. which allowed the constitution of a republic but conditioned by means of the Platt Amendment to a military intervention when things did not go on the island as they wished. This is in line with the Constitution of the new Republic that was implanted by hard force until 1934. It should be noted that in 1906 they again intervened militarily in Cuba with the excuse of restoring the order that had been altered by internal political convulsions. The reality is that until 1934 and after the triumph of the revolution in 1959,
This story in itself makes understandable the just resentment that the people of Cuba always had towards the United States but as we will see, there was much more. The racial problem was even more serious. As is well known, the people of the United States are mostly of Anglo-Saxon origin and have deep racist feelings. The Anglo-Saxon, rightly or wrongly, has always considered Latinos as inferiors and even more so the aborigines of the New Continent. Of African black not to mention, because we all already know that sad story. Naturally, relations between the two peoples on a racial level could never be good, Cuba being a country of Latinos and blacks in majority. That was another resentment but even deeper than the people of Cuba had towards the United States.
If we add to these two negative factors the economic exploitation to which the island was subjected for almost sixty years by the American transnationals, we will have a fairly clear picture of the real feeling of the people of Cuba towards their powerful neighbor to the north. There are many examples that could be cited to show the degree of economic exploitation to which the island was subjected for so many years, but suffice it to say that for a long time the Americans, who were the owners of almost all the large cane plantations and their ingenious, They refined Cuban sugar in the US and then sold it refined to Cuba adding all additional costs including round trip transportation.
On the American mafias of gambling, drugs and prostitution that operated openly in Cuba with the benefaction of corrupt islanders, there is not much to say knowing how Cuba was known for a long time in the whole world as "the brothel of the Americans In the Caribbean".
What happened with the social revolution that Fidel Castro led with the support of the great majority of the Cubans, was that the rulers in office in the US never wanted to take it seriously because of the ignorance that there was about the reality of the true feeling of the people Cuban to the US for the reasons explained above. Furthermore, it was totally inconceivable to them that a small semi-colony a few kilometers from its shores populated by inferior Latinos and blacks and ruled by a small but powerful corrupt oligarchy could really be independent of the imperialist yoke imposed by the richest and most powerful nation in the world. . This is so true that when Fidel Castro extended his hand to request support and collaboration but in a reciprocal and dignified way,
check us again for the continuing writings on the true history of the relationship of Cuba with the United States of Alberto Jose Geronimo
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